Monday, May 24, 2010


Hey :) There's so much to share...the details of the cleaning wor, what we did after that, newer problems (so what's new ?)...but I have very little time right now. So I'm going to make do with some pictures...and follow it up later with details. So, here goes:

How clean is our garden !

The 'Green' Beetles :)

New branch to suddenly, without warning, beak off and fall one night :(


The jackfruit...nearly ripe :)

Hey Look ! We found a snake ! It curled itslf into a tight knot and pretended to be dead. Then Ashish had it curled up around his little finger :) Then, Discovery Channel style, we released it under the Jackfruit tree, away from the patch we were digging.


The bright orange Exora

And the Mayflowers :)

And, we're ready to plant ! :)